- Deputy member of the county cpuncil in Pirkanmaa
- Doctoral researcher in Social and Health Policy
- Communication and marketing expert
- MA (Communication), MSc (Health Sciences)
- International experience
- Mother for teenagers
- Active volunteer for local and humanitarian NGO’s
- Living in Tampere
Thank you!
A big thanks to everyone, who voted for me! Warm thanks to everyone, who supported my campaign in one way or another. I received 431 votes, which makes me a deputy member of the Pirkanmaa county council. I am honored to receive this position and I am happy to work for building sustainable wellbeing services for our county.
Decisions should be based on facts and research
I want to contribute to making Pirkanmaa (greater Tampere regon) an even more healthy and sustainable area for all of us.
It is important for me, that decisions are carefully considered and based on proven facts and newest research results.
I want to promote easy and equal access to health care and social services for all. In addition, I advoce for clarification of the service paths. Check out my campaign themes!
I was born and raised in Tampere, but I have also lived in Jyväskylä and Espoo and in a few places abroad.
My core values are: equality, non-discrimination and responsibility.
International and extensive work experience
I work as a researcher in social and health policy. In practice, my work is related to promoting health and well-being. I have entered this field at an adult age. Therefore, I have a rich work history in communication communication and in marketing Tampere as an international congress city. Please, visit my LinkedIn profile to read more.
My wide experience and networks are useful in the city decision-making.
High-heels, rubber boots and tap dance shoes
To wind down from busy working life, I kick off my high-heel shoes and jump into my rubber boots. Then I head to the woods with my family for a stroll or spend some time taking care of the garden. Another favorite hobby for me is tap dance – it works perfectly in releasing stress. In addition, I am an active volunteer in a number of associations.
I am a sociable person and I get easily inspired by teamwork. I am eager to find out facts about things and listen to others before fixing my opinion.
You can email me:
ella.nasi.tampere (at) gmail.com

- Deputy member of the county cpuncil in Pirkanmaa
- Doctoral researcher in Social and Health Policy
- Communication and marketing expert
- MA (Communication), MSc (Health Sciences)
- International experience
- Mother for teenagers
- Active volunteer for local and humanitarian NGO’s
- Living in Tampere
Thank you!
A big thanks to everyone, who voted for me! Warm thanks to everyone, who supported my campaign in one way or another. I received 431 votes, which makes me a deputy member of the Pirkanmaa county council. I am honored to receive this position and I am happy to work for building sustainable wellbeing services for our county.
Decisions should be based on facts and research
I want to contribute to making Pirkanmaa (greater Tampere regon) an even more healthy and sustainable area for all of us.
It is important for me, that decisions are carefully considered and based on proven facts and newest research results.
I want to promote easy and equal access to health care and social services for all. In addition, I advoce for clarification of the service paths. Check out my campaign themes!
I was born and raised in Tampere, but I have also lived in Jyväskylä and Espoo and in a few places abroad.
My core values are: equality, non-discrimination and responsibility.
International and extensive work experience
I work as a researcher in social and health policy. In practice, my work is related to promoting health and well-being. I have entered this field at an adult age. Therefore, I have a rich work history in communication communication and in marketing Tampere as an international congress city. Please, visit my LinkedIn profile to read more.
My wide experience and networks are useful in the city decision-making.
High-heels, rubber boots and tap dance shoes
To wind down from busy working life, I kick off my high-heel shoes and jump into my rubber boots. Then I head to the woods with my family for a stroll or spend some time taking care of the garden. Another favorite hobby for me is tap dance – it works perfectly in releasing stress. In addition, I am an active volunteer in a number of associations.
I am a sociable person and I get easily inspired by teamwork. I am eager to find out facts about things and listen to others before fixing my opinion.
You can email me:
ella.nasi.tampere (at) gmail.com
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